Sir Kevin the Duke

About translation, daily life, movie reviews, astrology,etc.

June 20th,2021 Stillme

Is living a luxury I shouldn't ask for?
"I want you to die."
That was said to me by the three women I've loved the most.
The three women I don't want to disappoint.
One of them is the mother who brought me up
One of them was like a sister to me
And finally, this woman...
The one I love, the one I promised a happy and wonderful future to
The only one I was meant to be with
The only one I've ever taken seriously
The perfect woman to whom I proposed twice, asking her to trust me with her future.
But I was so unworthy at that time
Even now, I'm not even sure I can make you happy.
Yes, you guys are right.
I deserve to die, don't I?
I don't deserve to live.
But I'm sure
I know that one day I'll make you happy.
I still believe that deep down inside of me
Maybe not right now.
Even if you're not with me anymore
If you can keep smiling for the rest of your life
That's all the courage I need
I can always keep trying, I can always move forward
No matter how much you deny my feelings
No matter how much you hate me, no matter how much you'll always hate me
Even if this is the only thing that I feel for you anymore
I'll never forget that promise
The day your father passed away, in a church in Guam
I want to marry you in the presence of a priest and God
Even if it's ten years from now, even if it's twenty years from now
If I, a sinner, if I, an irredeemable son of a bitch
If I still have the right to love a woman...
I want to love you, without hesitation
I still love you, and I always will.
June 20th,2021